Tuesday, September 29, 2015

I love you and will always love you (4 months and counting)

I am missing you more last night than any other night.  Tasha said think of happy memories so I can release stress and negativities.  But every time I do, I always end up missing you.

You told me I was able to manage stress and all pressures even before you came here.  So I should be fine even after you left.  I have been telling you for the most part that it was different when you were here and I am all stressed out, you were like my zest that keeps me on a positive side.  You were there to hug and kiss me and make me feel appreciated and special.  It was different when I have you beside me.  I do not know if you do understand what I mean, but I hope you do.

I know now why I am missing you more than yesterday and any other day.  It is because it has been 4 months already since you promised me that your love is unconditional, unwavering and unchanging.  That I am your life, you love and your world.  It has been 4 months since I told you that even with the ups and downs, I will make sure that it'll be a life together worth living for.

I've said it last May 29, 2015 on our wedding day, and said it days after that, I will say it again and will say it for the rest of my life - I love you and will always love you.

My husband's wedding vow.

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