Saturday, March 10, 2012

Unidentified Flying Object

Thursday - March 01, 2012     

Not the actual photo, I lost that silver ball after I blinked!  ^__*

That wide blue space above us.  That huge yellow ball shining.  
Then came a shining silver ball of light for just 3 seconds.
Vanished into thin air right after the clock ticks 3.

My eyes might have been fooling me.
I really don't believe on extra-terrestrials,
all I was just saying is that for is an unidentified flying object.
I don't know what it it is unidentified.

Besides, it might just be a product of my mere imagination.
My eyes has been playing me.
I filled my mind with something to think about since I have been waiting
for almost an hour on queue for the shuttle van going to work.

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